Saturday, September 28, 2019

Purpose of the Investigation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Purpose of the Investigation - Research Paper Example One could only work on probabilities and hope that the decisions made come out successful. For that reason, it is always good to conduct research on the issues at hand, analyses such data, find a concrete solution before a decision is made based on the outcome of the process. Failure to follow a logical process in decision making leads to regrets during implementation of such decisions when they fail (Crotty, 1998). Various methods could be used in researching and analyzing contract information. One of the analysis techniques is the content analysis. This is the examination of written or recorded information systematically through breaking down the sentences, identifying and eventually analyzing the relations of words, sense, sentences, characters, concepts and or common themes from such records. It is a critical examination as opposed to just describing content. Purpose of analyzing such content is to gain a clear insight into the precise and fully focused problem of research or bas ed on topic at hand. It also helps examine trends, see patterns and establish consistency required (Weber, 1990). Research keeps one informed on the current trends as compared to what has been in use in the past. It helps one see what is actually on the ground and find ways of integrating the decisions with the realities on the ground. Many people do their investigations in boardrooms and for that reason fail to have a true picture of what is actually happening on the ground (Ewing, Tarantino, & Parnell, March 2006). The disagreement with the contractor is a serious thing whenever a project is being carried out. This is because what was expressed on paper and in contract might be quite different from that which is happening on the site and thus make the contractor feel duped. For that reason, it is important that the manager of such a contract goes ahead to research and find where the problem is before making any decision. When evaluation of research data and findings has been done, then a decision could be made based on various solutions suggested (Onwuegbuzie, 2003). The purpose of this study is to establish the cause of the problems that led to the disagreement between the management and the contractor on the ongoing project of reservoir construction. The main issue here has been the fact that the location of the reservoir is located on hard granite rocks which need expertise and heavy machinery to blast them before construction can begin. This was not indicated in the original documents and the contract. Given the fact that the community and the hospital are posed to gain heavily from this project, a mutual solution needs to be found (Della-Piana, Low, & Lyman, 2005). The rationale for this research is based on the fact that one of the major objectives of BAMC is to be responsive to the public in terms of community needs. The contractor selected is one of the most credible one in the prequalified list and losing him would mean compromising on the quality o f the reservoir. A good reservoir will also ensure that both BAMC and the community are served well without interruption of water supply (Creswell, 2002). Resolution of the existing problem would require that all the stakeholders assemble to find a lasting solution to the problem at hand. This would require that the following options be considered: Subcontract the project by seeking an engineering firm that would be engaged in the blasting of the granite rocks to ensure that they are

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